"Can ankles be strengthened? Mine are weak. The slightest twist results in a congestion or sprain. I like ice skating but have a dreadful fear of breaking my ankles. Any suggestions you can offer will be greatly appreciated."

S. J. L., Portland, Me.

ANSWER: Ankles become stronger from ordinary weight training, but exercises such as rising on toes for the calves provides the ankles with plenty of exercise and helps to strength them. However, for more direct action the iron boots should be employed. Try these exercises; strap iron boot to foot. Sit on high bench and extend leg. Start by pointing toes, then turn foot outward, inward and then swing toes upward. Repeat several times in all directions or until ankle feels slightly tired. Circling


By John Grimek

the foot will also help, but be sure that all the action stems from the ankle only. Repeat the same exercises with the other foot, and increase the resistance only when you feel the exercise is growing easier. These exercises will strengthen your ankles and make them more flexible.


"Why don't S&H devote an entire article to losing weight. I'm about 10 pounds overweight and as soon as I lose some weight I seem to gain it right back. Although I want to lose weight I still want to pack more strength into my muscles and from what I read it appears to me that to lose weight you must use high repetitions, and to gain strength, you have to use heavy weights and low

Gordon's Gym, at 22206 Ford Road in Dearborn, Michigan, is a splendidly equipped barbell studio featuring York methods and York barbells and equipment. This gym typifies the new type of efficient, clean and attractive exercise area found in the more modern studios throughout the country. STRENGTH AND

reps. I want to accomplish both, but how can I when both seem to work against each other?"


R. K., Cleveland, Ohio

Ten pounds doesn't seem very much to lose and, if this excess is around your abdomen and hips, it would pay you to include high reps for the area which is overweight to reduce, but if your arms, chest, legs and other areas need developing, you can use normal or even a low repetition scheme.

To keep from regaining the weight, watch your diet more carefully and select your foods better. There are many foods that have a high calorie content, whereas others are low, and these are the ones you should include more generously. Stay clear of sweets in particular. They tend to bulk up most people. If you like beer and drink it, cut down on this beverage. People who tend to become heavy find beer a weight gainer. Include a large variety of fruits, greens, salads and lean meats. Train at least three to four times a week and include more reps for the areas where you desire to lose weight, and less reps for those parts where development and more strength is needed.


"I've been told that the straddle lift is good for slimming down the hips. Is this true? Can you suggest other exercises that will bring quick results to this area?"

A. W. H., Manhattan, N. Y. ANSWER:

I don't think the straddle lift has any greater benefits attached to its use than the deep-knee-bend or squat, in fact I'm inclined to favor the last mentioned two over the straddle lift, since they involve the hips more fully.

You should include either the full squat, flat feet, or the deep-knee-bends, which is usually done on toes, but use light weight in either case and use a rather high repetitions scheme. Most fellows do too few to react upon the hips for reducing, seldom going over 10, often only five or six. I think if one will repeat them anywhere from 15 to 25 times, using a weight that permits such high reps, reducing would prove more effective.

For sagging buttocks, while the squats will help to harden them, the stiff leg dead lift will do the job quicker and shape the buttocks faster if properly done. Here, too, high repetitions are favored and should be employed; 15 to 20 with a weight that will exercise the back and hips, not strain them!

Use a high protein diet for a while and cut out all rich foods. This alone will help to slim your hips, and coupled with exercise, the results will become twice as fast. However, I'm warning you not to expect overnight miracles . . . they just don't happen!










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